Programs and services
Goodwill is a non-profit leader in providing education, training, and career services to people with disabilities and disadvantages, such as physical, mental, or emotional disabilities; lack of education or work experience; and those with criminal histories and/or homeless.
Last year, Goodwill Industries of North Louisiana helped thousands of people gain and maintain employment. As a result, we saw many lives transformed through the power of work.

Workforce development programs
Open placement programs
These programs are designed to serve clients with barriers to employment through work readiness training, job search, job placement and individualized case management. No referral is necessary to receive these services, only the desire to gain employment. The services are free to anyone seeking services, including those who have a criminal record, who lives in Caddo, Bossier, Webster or Desoto parishes. This program is funded by the Community Foundation of North Louisiana, Capital One Bank, City of Shreveport, Caddo Parish, and Shreveport Community Development CDBG funds.
EXIT-318 program
EXIT-318 is referral-based program that serves high risk, moderate-to-high need criminal justice involved individuals, in Caddo, Bossier, Ouachita, Richland, Caldwell, Franklin, Rapides, Grant, Natchitoches, Winn and Avoyelles parishes. Services include individualized case management, work readiness training, job placement, job coaching and retention services. This collective impact project partners with other nonprofit organizations to provide wrap-around services, housing, legal, essential needs and is funded by the Department of Corrections, and is free to participants.
Supported employment program
Supported Employment Program is a program designed to provide job placement, job coaching and retention services to persons with disabilities living in Northwest or Central Louisiana. A referral from Louisiana Rehabilitation Services (LRS) is necessary to enter this program. This program is funded through the Beaird Foundation and the State of Louisiana’s Workforce Commission and free to any individual referred.
Ouachita correctional center reentry program
This reentry program provides case management, discharge planning, job readiness training services and supportive service assistance to help inmates housed at Ouachita Correctional Center transition back into the community. The Reentry Program is funded by the Ouachita Parish Sheriff’s Office.
SNAP employment & training (E & T) program
SNAP Employment & Training (E & T) Program is a referral-based program through SNAP Assistance office that provides case management and wrap-around services, including the ability to provide certifications, trainings, and supportive services to remove barriers and help individuals living in Caddo or Bossier parishes, who receive SNAP benefits, secure employment. This program is funded by the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) and it is free to participants.
Growth opportunities program
Growth Opportunities Program provides paid work experience to young adults (18-24 year olds), living within the City of Shreveport, Desoto or Red River parishes, who have some type of justice involvement. The program provides intensive case management, supportive services and career and credential exploration. The program is designed to help youth avoid violence, build confidence, and enter the work world. This program is funded through the Department of Labor, in partnership with Goodwill Industries International.
Good support program
Good Support Program is a referral-based program through the Caddo Parish Juvenile Court that helps aid non-custodial parents in Caddo Parish. It provides job readiness training, job placement and job retention services for these individuals with the goal of employment retention, empowerment and providing successful financial support of their families. This program is funded by the Caddo Parish Juvenile Court and it is free to participants.
WIOA good futures
WIOA Good Futures is a program to improve educational and employment opportunities for at-risk youth, ages 16-24, living in Caddo or Bossier parishes, to achieve lasting financial stability and self-sufficiency. In partnership with the City of Shreveport and Bossier Parish Community College (BPCC), HiSET classes and the opportunity to receive nationally recognized certifications and employment are offered. This program is funded through WIOA funds, Grayson Foundation and BPCC, and is offered at no cost to its participants.
Good support child support employment & training (E&T)
Good Support Child Support Employment & Training (E & T) Program is a referral-based program through Child Support Enforcement office that helps aid custodial and non-custodial parents. It provides case management and wrap-around services, including the ability to provide certifications, trainings, and supportive services to help individuals secure employment. This program is funded by the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) and it is free to participants living in Caddo, Bossier, Ouachita, Rapides or Grant parishes.
Good transitions program
Good Transitions Program provides services to youth ages 14-23 in foster care living in Northwest or Central Louisiana. The program’s goal is to help prepare youth to become independent for those who are aging out of care or have recently aged out of care by developing skills and supportive services needed to transition into adulthood and assume personal responsibility for their daily care. This program is funded by the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).
Choice neighborhoods program
Choice Neighborhood Program is a referral based program in partnership with the Volunteers of America and the City of Shreveport. The program is designed to serve clients with barriers to employment living in the identified Shreveport Choice neighborhood through work readiness training, job search, job placement and individualized case management. This program is funded through a HUD grant awarded to the City of Shreveport, and is free to participants.
Reentry community coordination
Reentry Community Coordination serves as the single point of contact, convener, facilitator and implementer of all reentry efforts in both the Northwest and Northeast Louisiana. The goal of both of these programs are to help any formerly incarcerated individual access the help needed to ensure an individual’s success and to advocate for system-wide change. This program is funded by the Department of Corrections and all services are free.
Caddo correctional center reentry program
Caddo Correctional Center Reentry Program provides case management, discharge planning and job readiness training services to inmates housed at Caddo Correctional Center. The goal is to assist with successful reentry back into the community. The Reentry Program is funded by the Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office.
SYNAR is aimed at decreasing youth access to tobacco products. The program is overseen by the Department of Health and contracted through the Northwest Louisiana Human Service District with a goal to educate tobacco merchants on the laws on the sale of tobacco products to underage youth within Northwest Louisiana.
Want to find out more or enroll in one of these programs?
Feel free to visit one of our Job Centers.
Contact the administrative office at 318-868-4701 or complete the form below and someone will get back to you.